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Ausgabe 01/2021
Todd, Slabodsky, Dempsey, ScholzReviewing "The Bible as Political Artifact: On the Feminist Study of the Hebrew Bible” by S. Scholz A Panel Discussion at the SBL 2019 Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA


Mit ihrem sorgfältig recherchierten, kreativen und provokanten Werk The Bible as Political Artifact: On the Feminist Study of the Hebrew Bible (Fortress Press, 2017) ist es Susanne Scholz gelungen, die Grenzen traditioneller Bibelwissenschaft zu überschreiten und Menschen in exegetischer Forschung und Lehre des 21. Jahrhunderts herauszufordern. Beim Annual Meeting der SBL 2019 in San Diego war das Buch Gegenstand eines Panels der Sektionen Feminist Hermeneutics of the Bible and Gender, Sexuality, and the Bible und wurde angeregt diskutiert. Die Beiträge des Panels und die Response von Susanne Scholz werden hier präsentiert.

Introduction to the panel by Carol J. Dempsey

The Bible as Political Artifact: On the Feminist Study of the Hebrew Bible (Fortress Press, 2017) is a creative, provocative, and meticulously researched volume that pushes the boundaries of traditional biblical research and offers a compelling challenge to Bible scholars, teachers, and students for the twenty-first century. This work has piqued the interest of the scholarly community which prompted the SBL Feminist Hermeneutics of the Bible and Gender, Sexuality, and the Bible sections to sponsor a lively panel review of the book. Carolyn Sharp, Professor of Homiletics at Yale Divinity School, presided over the presentations offered by Rebecca Todd Peters, Santiago Slabodsky, and Carol J. Dempsey. Susanne Scholz offered a lively response. The following papers capture the dynamism of collegial thought and interaction.


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© Carol J. Dempsey, 2021,, ISSN 1661-3317


